5 Cannabis Products That Can Help To Alleviate Pain With Cramps

by | Jan 11, 2022 | Massachusetts

Cramps affect the life of many and can impact daily life as they are extremely painful. Many at-home remedies help ease the pain, but recently patients have found that THC and cannabis products work to relieve the pain. There are numerous products that are associated with helping alleviate the discomfort. In this article, we’ll be showing you five of those different cannabis products so you can begin taking advantage of the benefits.

  1. Cannabis Epsom Salt Baths

If you benefit from the muscle-relaxing properties of Epsom salt baths, then you’ll love this. A few products developed containing cannabis can be added to your baths to increase your comfort when suffering from cramps. Add it to your bath, the same way you would other products, and then soak. After a few minutes, the properties should begin relaxing your cramps. The effects can last up to several hours.

2.     Creams & Balms

Many experience pain in their lower back or abdomen when suffering from cramps. A variety of creams and balms are available that are made explicitly for menstrual cramps and more generalized options. By applying the cream/balm to the area of discomfort, you’ll be able to relax and be rid of cramps.

3.     CBD and THC Tinctures

CBD tinctures are highly potent pain relievers. With just a few drops under your tongue, you can start experiencing relief throughout your body (including for cramps). The pain will stay away for many hours.

4.     THC-Infused Chocolate

This is a delicious way to alleviate pain by using a spoonful of THC-Infused chocolate to make hot chocolate that will be sure to counteract your pain. Keep in mind that these products are not as fast-acting as others, but they are still a great way to relax slowly.

5.     Cannabis Patch

Place the patch on your lower abdomen and feel your discomfort melt away as the cannabis works to relax your muscles and fix your cramps. Many people have found relief from severe cramps and pain by using these patches.

Give Yourself the Relief You Deserve

Don’t continue to suffer through your cramps when there are effective ways to help! At Medwell Health and Wellness, we are a medical marijuana organization that provides patients with medical marijuana cards to help ease symptoms.

So let us help you too! Get your medical marijuana card today at Medwell Health and Wellness to help ease your pain. Contact us today.

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