How Medical Marijuana is combatting the Opioid Crisis

by | May 22, 2019 | Massachusetts, Opioids, Pain Management

When you are in severe and chronic pain, the only thing on your mind is trying to alleviate some of that pain. The usual suspects when it comes to pain management medications are a form of an opioid and can be extremely addicting. The number of people that are reliant on opioids to manage their pain to make it through their day is staggering. Those individuals rely so heavily on opioids that they are now in crisis mode.


An Opioid Crisis

There is a growing concern about the opioid crisis in America. This crisis affects not only individuals that are drug users but those that are also on prescribed opioid medication. Many times the go-to medication for chronic pain is an opioid because it is one that produces the fastest results. However, those results do come with risks. These risks include addiction and even death.


As more individuals use an opioid, a direct relationship occurs with those who come to depend on the medication. Individuals may need to continually increase the dosage to get the same relief when they first started using opioids. As the frequency in the use of opioids increases the risk for related opioid hospitalizations and deaths also increases. Research has shown that half of the opioid deaths were from prescription opioids.


Medical Marijuana for Chronic Pain

The development of medical marijuana (MMJ) has shown many benefits for health issues. One of the health issues is chronic pain. MMJ is not a physically addictive drug. MMJ as an alternative treatment for chronic pain can reduce the individual’s usage of opioids and still give the patient the relief he or she needs.


The MMJ Hurdle

MMJ still has some hurdles to overcome. Some of these hurdles include federal and state legislatures, education of physicians and available facilities. The first large issue is the differences in the legislation between the states and federal governments. Many states do not recognize MMJ as a treatment for chronic pain sufferers. The lack of recognition means MMJ is not utilized fully. Next is the education and certification of physicians on the MMJ benefits and treatment. Increasing the knowledge of physicians can increase the use of MMJ and decrease the prescriptions for opioids. Finally, increasing the availability of MMJ through more facilities and physicians allows for better access to this beneficial alternative treatment.


Physicians should avoid the use of prescription opioids for treating chronic pain at all costs. MMJ can provide chronic pain sufferers with the relief they need without the added risk of addiction and possible death. For more information on medical marijuana, available physicians in your area and locations to fill your MMJ prescriptions; visit Medwell Health.

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