The first two recreational dispensaries are open in Massachusetts! Leicester’s Cultivate and Northampton’s New England Treatment Access (NETA) were the first recreational shops to open in the state. Consumers were met with long lines and some shortages in product.
What does this mean if you are a Massachusetts patient and medical marijuana card holder? MMJ patients/cardholders have special provisions under Massachusetts state law. You need to know that the state’s medical marijuana dispensaries have special processes set up for you.
First and foremost, there is no tax on your medical marijuana, and that amounts to a 20 percent savings, but you must be a MMJ cardholder to derive that benefit.
Medical marijuana card holders can always rely on a dispensary having product in stock. Massachusetts state law requires dispensaries to reserve or save product specifically for MMJ patients to ensure they get the medicine they need. Therefore, MMJ cardholders never have to worry about not having medication, and you can also avoid the long lines at the recreational counters.
Think of it this way – MMJ cardholders are first class customers. You can avoid the long lines and potential product shortages.
One of the biggest perks MMJ cardholders have is delivery service to your home; these services became legal in the state of Massachusetts in April 2018. Realizing that many homebound patients do not have the ability to go to dispensaries, state lawmakers enacted the delivery option. Dispensaries can deliver cannabis products to residences only if the patient has an official Massachusetts MMJ card. Even better, dispensary menu options are unrestricted for MMJ cardholders, and there is no daily allowance limit for purchase.
Home delivery services of each dispensary are regulated and state-approved. Most offer delivery within 72 hours, with some offering next-day services. There are delivery restrictions on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard because cannabis is not allowed on the ferries.
Most patients who use the delivery services are between the ages of 50 and 90 and truly homebound due to their medical conditions – like cancer, PTSD and multiple sclerosis (MS).
Just remember – if you are a medical marijuana Massachusetts cardholder, you are already a first class passenger. . If you could fly first class for less than what others are paying for coach seating, wouldn’t you do it?
Of course you would. And our team at MedWell Health can help you.
We are here to serve medical marijuana patients.

Aaron Bloom serves as the CEO, overseeing the mission and growth of DocMJ and Medwell Health and Wellness Centers. Aaron’s passion for improving patients’ lives comes from his background in health care. For more than 20 years, Aaron owned, operated, and represented traditional healthcare organizations. This experience created a passion for finding improved ways to relieve suffering. His goal as CEO is to work daily to relieve all patients who seek better health and wellness through the medicinal benefits of medical cannabis and evidence-based alternative medicines.